Family Friendly Law

In the ever evolving modern world, the government continue to try and balance the rules to ensure a work-life balance.

Parents have a variety of rights and protections and Employers need to be aware of the rules and procedures.

The current array of family friendly legislation entitles eligible parents to the following:

  • Maternity leave and pay
  • Paternity leave and pay
  • Adoption leave and pay
  • Time off for dependants
  • Flexible working
  • Shared parental leave

With most of these rights, there are statutory deadlines to respond to requests. There are also responsibilities on the employee in wishing to exercise their rights – for example, a woman on maternity leave normally needs to give her employer 8 weeks notice to change her return to work date following maternity leave.

How can NFU Employment Service help your business with Family Friendly rules:

  • Online Manual Chapters on the various rights.
  • Staff Handbook policies on the rights.
  • Template Letters, for example the forms required to go through a flexible working request.
  • Access to our Helpline where our advisers can assist you with your family friendly legislation related queries.